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Monday, May 31, 2010

Wesak Thorana video (Wesak Pandol) Matara Hittatiya in Sri Lanka 2010 May

Wesak Pandol means "Wesak Thorana" is one of popular and most expenditure creation for the Wesak, the full moon poya day in May of any year. Wesak is celebrated the birth, enlightenment and death (Attain Nibbana) of Lord Buddha.

People also give "Dansal" in these days.Means, people collect money some times more than 100 000 rupees and give Food freely for poor people and for the visitors who are coming to watch wesak decorations in those areas.

When we speak about the "Thorana", for one district , only a one to five Thorana's. People will gather to watch them passing hundreds of miles to remind the great achievement of Lord Buddha. Wesak "Thorana" represents some stories of Lord Buddha in arts, with thousands of lighting bulbs according to a pattern. Then people must see them in the nights. Not in Day time. If not they will not see the colors and tricks.Most Thorana's are height in more than a coconut tree and spends a lot of money to build up only for around 3-6 days.

These are some photos and images of Matara Hittatiya 2010 Thorana (Sri Lanka)..

Here is the video of Thorana , in Hittatiya East , Matara in 2010 may.

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