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Sunday, July 1, 2007

‘Neth’ foresees a revolution in Radio

‘Neth’ foresees a revolution in Radio

Neth FM, one of the most popular FM channels which has marked its own identity is to spread their broadcast through out the country. Celebrating one and half years, Neth has extended their broadcast to the Hill Country on FM 105.4 and Uwa and Wellassa on FM 105.9. 'Neth' has been able to maintain its standards as a radio channel that produces quality programmes attracting the audience.

Armed with the latest technology, Neth is ready to use 'selective casting' a developed stage of radio which enables the broadcasting of different programmes to various areas from one station.

Speaking on its progress Assistant General Manager (programme), Nuwan Liyanage said even without being able to cover the whole island, Neth has scored the sixth place among the other radio channels in the country. Among the novel programmes started by the channel, 'Citizen's Call' or 'Purawesiyage Amathuma' has become a public service where issues directly affecting the people are being discussed in an investigative manner. The programme broadcast from 7 am to 7.30 am hints as to how we should go forward as a nation setting aside our failures. The programme has highlighted real sides of the public servants to trade union leaders and unravelling their bureaucracies and hypocrisies.

Proving the success of Neth, its Sunday morning programme 'Meth Neth Pamula' which talks about moral issues has become the number one programme for the third consecutive time. The programme conducted by Ven. Dr. Dodampahala Sri Rahula Thera is broadcast every Sunday from 8 am to 9 am and due to much demand a repeat broadcast has been started on the following Saturday from 7 am to 8 am.

Taking another step forward, 'Neth' has started 'Actually Radio Drama', a concept used by some of the expert radio dramatist in parts of Europe. A development stage of the concept of 'reality radio', this has the ability to capture sounds from the original location. This needs sophisticated equipment and gives the ability to record dramas from outstation locations. 'Neth' has brought back children's programmes once discarded by some of the private FM radios. 'Kalabala Pancha' broadcast every Saturday and Sunday from 7 am to 8 am enlightens knowledge, teaches morals and provides entertainment inducing and encouraging children to think in a new way.

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