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Friday, July 27, 2007

Is Sirasa , MTV and Shakthi, Getting Bad to Worse ?

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Is Sirasa , MTV and Shakthi, Getting Bad to Worse ?

Sirasa is making a very big mistake not coming to DTH ( Direct To Home ) platform. These days DTH system is expanding entire country in speed. Mostly, Dialog TV. Many people who are using DTH system are not going to switch on normal antenna to watch Sirasa TV or MTV Sri Lanka. (Even I , didn’t see any program on Sirasa , after the India-Sri Lanka matches shown before the world cup ) That not means the programs on Sirasa are getting worse.
When we talk about MTV Sri Lanka, it can’t see many people out side the urban areas like Colombo. If it’s there on DTV or DTH, number of viewers will getting high many part of the Island. The Maharaja Organization says, they’ll not come to DTH platform as it is a pay system and Sirasa is Free to air (FTA). But, It can’t see out side Colombo and Kandy even paying. The reason, they are showing to not come to DTH is not the real one. They are afraid to show their channel to other countries. As they’re copying their program day and night 24/7. Now, Maharaja Network is ashamed to show their channels to outsiders.
The tags , News 1st, We report You decide ! etc. are the copy format from BBC and Fox. So, Indian Idol or AI, goes as Super Star. And all the Hindi Dubbed programs not to the standard form like original. That’s why they are refused to come to the DTH platform. They are very much afraid, nothing else as they have said. They feels Guilty !. It’s a very good opportunity to show MTV Sri Lanka to other part of the Island without towers. They’re not using that opportunity to the reasons that we’ve mentioned earlier. Now, the downtime comes to the Sirasa , with many people refusing to watch some programs, those are much popular early days, like Super star. Now, we can’t find a one who watch that Super star without their own relatives.
With the development of technology, every outcome will change without anyone’s knowledge. Then, it’s time to come forward Maharaja Networks as every others to DTH platform, especially in Dialog TV, witch runs the No.1 Company in Sri Lanka, Dialog Telecom. Anyone can’t refuse that.

Local Channels on Dialog TV lineup,

When we talk about Dialog TV, They must use a UHF antenna throwing the VHF antenna away from getting signals to Rupavahini and Channel Eye. ( But, it’s not the real way, I’m talking about temporary solution.) The signal quality is very low of the most important channel in Sri Lanka, Rupavahini. And, after that DTV must try include all the local channels on it.Like, ArtTV, Max and ETV. If someone say , that channels are showing the programs that shows in other satellite channels, then there must be a problem, It, can’t happen. Because that happen many times. Even, Channel Eye, a local channel, shows SRTV , But SRTV is their in DTV lineup without problem.If so how DD sports in Indian Lineup. If we say there is a problem, many times some channels are showing same program even LIVE. So, BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeere. It’s their duty to show every local channels in their lineup without refrain.

New Coming Channels on Dialog TV in the future !

Dialog TV management is trying to give nearly 72 channels before the end of 2007. There’ll be 4 Transponders and each one contain 18 channels. But the channels to add in the future yet to decided. Then, still we can’t imagine what the next 15 channels are. Most of them must be Disney Channels. Also, Fox and MTV Europe. We can see that in months to come, So, How Sirasa‘ll have been thrown away by the people with the development of DTH systems.

How many number of channels will be their on Dialog TV (DTV) line up ? It goes to 120 channels in months to come ( But not in 2007). The management of DTV has said before this year. Then 50 channels to come. We wish most of them come in English. Not from the languages that we can’t get as Sri Lankan.

Information regarding Dialog TV,

1 comment:

Charles said...

I saw this comment about SIRASA TV & MTV today(9/27/2009).Who ever the person which commented about that "Ashamed Network" is nice, a TV channel must not be a copy of another. I also think that, it could be the reason for MTV not giving a clear Island wide coverage & both SIRASA & MTV are nor coming to the DTH platform. WHAT A SHAME......!!

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