Chat transcript - Ankita & Prashant
May the best singer win!
venpadasks hi ankita this is padma here from dubai how are u
ankita says Hi everybody. :) It is great to be here chatting with you. Hi Padma, how r u?
praveen.mathurasks what is ur future plan ankita
ankita says I am going to take things one step at a time. I have to complete my studies first. Then I think there will be a period of good, healthy struggle. Then, hopefully, in 5 years time, I will be a pop star!
viduneerasks Hi Anikta Congratualations! for the way you are handling yourself. It is very very obvious that you are sidelined by other contenstants. I am surprised how nobody else has either felt it or sensed it
ankita says Thank you very much. The problem I had has been sorted out.
sudhirdoleyasks Ankita, Do u feel confident 'bout winning?
ankita says Of course I do. As long as I am in the show, I am 100% confident that I will win. :)
robygeorge_2001asks hi how ya ding
ankita says Hi, I'm doing great. How are you?
tejsingh_damaheasks Hi Prashant, you win 100 percent this contest. But you song kishor kumar song “O sham kuch ajar thi ye shayam bhi ajib hai only. So you definitely win this contest. ok Best of luck , bye Tejsingh Damahe,
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot for the good wishes!
rem_yapasks Hai to both of you. Ankita ty to concentrate more on singing so that u can be a wonderful performer.Prashant u are a wonderful performer.Keep it up.Wishing u both best wishes for ur next gala performance
ankita says Yes, I shall definitely concentrate on my singing. Prashant: Thank you for your good wishes.
emkaymisraasks This is Mohan from Kanpur,I usually send 5~10 SMS on friday to support for you place in this Program,Tell me how u cope up when the judges literally fight with each other or u r scolded for your bad performance.
ankita says Prashant: I feel it is because they care about us and are worried when our performances are not good. Their arguments stem from their worry. And they criticise us so that we will improve.
universalknitasks why deepali was out
ankita says She didn't get enough votes
universalknitasks why is amit paul a super hero
ankita says Prashant: Because he is a very nice person :)
s4anjoyasks what is your hobby
ankita says Prashant: Well, I obviously like to listen to music. I also love to hang out with my friends and play football.
s4anjoyasks when u perform on stage how feel???
ankita says Prashant: I used to be very nervous before my performances. But now I have improved a lot. I don't feel so scared anymore.
vimamthaasks What is your theme song for this week
ankita says This week the theme is Indi Pop. I have sung 'Kidki pe aoonga'.
abinasiitkgpasks i love ankita....want to see her as the indian idol 3.....
ankita says Thanx a lot :) I want to be Indian Idol, too :)
papuna_muduli@sify.casks hi , Ankita and Prashant
ankita says Hi :)
deepa.beasks Ankita, Performed well esp. Rangeela Song. Wish u all the Best
ankita says Thanx a lot!
jitugoa06asks Hi ankita, & prashant how r u?
ankita says Hi, we are fine. How are you?
ruhisingh2007asks hi ankita
ankita says Hi
satya123asks hi prasant,i like ur current performance,keep it up.we r with u.
ankita says Prashant: Hi. Thanx a lot. I plan to keep up the good work! :)
ruhisingh2007asks hi ankita hru howz u feelg
ankita says Hey, I'm feeling great! How r u?
richa_kaushikasks I really wanna now that how it feel to be on top levels.. means how much you both have got changes in your self.. and what kind of changes...
ankita says Prashant: It feels great to be in the Top 6. It is a dream come true. When I was standing in line for the auditions, I never thought I would make it so far. I don't think any of us have changed at all. We are not here just because of our abilities. We are also here because people love us and vote for us. We are always humbled by that love.
ruhisingh2007asks hi
ankita says Hi
ruhisingh2007asks r u there or not i luv ur performance do reply
ankita says Hi, I am here. Thanx a lot!
ruhisingh2007asks how u feel being on such a big show.whom do u thk b an indian idol. keep up ur singing level all the best
ankita says It feels great to be here! I think all of us have an equal chance to win the title.
ruhisingh2007asks hi prashant hru its gr8 2 b on such a big show watched by millions
ankita says Prashant: I never thought I would make it so far. It is like a dream come true. It feels wonderful to know that so many people are watching me sing and voting for me. A BIG thank you to all of my fans!
kasandra_7000asks Hey Prashant, I watched u online (canada)on Indian Idol, u were really FANTASTIC! Keep up with your GOLDEN TALENT. Hope to see more of u in near future. GOOD LUCK!
ankita says Prashant: You will definitely be seeing more of me :)
ndv_licasks hello friend please tell this story is true that you are in love
ankita says Me.... no :)
ruhisingh2007asks all the best to both of u hv a nice time
ankita says Thanks a lot :)
rimalydiaasks Hi Ankita, all set for the nexy gala?
ankita says Yes, I am all set and raring to go!
rimalydiaasks Ankita what will be your next song?
ankita says I am singing Kidki pe aaonga
ankita says I am glad that you don't think so! :)
sweetpinkcandy24asks hi u r dam good
ankita says Me or Prashant? We both thank you! :)
ahtram_parveenasks hi Ankita.who is your best friend in indian idol?
ankita says We are all really good friends.
eugene2asks Hi! prashant I must say you're a gr8 singer.I just wanna wish u All the best.
ankita says Prashant: Thank you so much! Do continue to support me and send me your valuable votes.
jyotikumar2007asks hi Ankita and Prashant. Ankita U R Rock... Prashant u r so sweet
ankita says Thanx a lot. My fans rock, too! Prashant: That is very sweet of you. Thank you.
vsshetasks This Esha from Bangalore, Hi Ankita
ankita says Hi Esha, how r u?
vsshetasks Your last song was not good Ankita, not better than Chang
ankita says I am sorry I disappointed you. I will definitely try better next time.
mud_mudassirasks hai ankita,i like your boldness,what you will do in your spare time.
ankita says Well, I love listening to songs. I also write poems and song lyrics.
sumitbhatia12asks ankita&prasant how are yaou?
ankita says Hi, we are fine. How r u?
ali_hyder12asks hi ankita how are u can u send me ur songs
ankita says Hi, I am fine. I am very sorry I cannot send u a song. But u can always hear me sing on the show or you can log into and watch my videos!
vsshetasks Ankita, but your performance was good, just as Anil has said don't over act too much,be on the platform and perform well
ankita says Yes, it was great advice and I shall pay heed to it.
vsshetasks Ankita, which song you are going to sing this week?
ankita says I am singing Kidki pe aaonga
NIRVANI_123asks hello ankita how ru doing? whose your favorite contestant ?
ankita says I don't have a favourite. I like them all. But Parleen and I are very close. You can say he is my best friend. We became close during the Theatre Round.
svconstructionasks hi , ankitha has per me you r putting yourself in risk please maintain sur and bang the show i want u to come in final 3 please please please work hard
ankita says I am working really hard. I will try not to let you down. Thanks for being my fan!
silipijushasks HELLO ANKITA........... HELLO PRASHANT.........
ankita says Hi :)
silipijushasks R U THERE ANKITA...PRASHANT
ankita says Yes, we are both here. What would you like to ask us?
members03asks prashant & ankita HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY i think its good that deepali is out she is the girl with politics
ankita says HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to you too! Deepali was not into any politics. The problem between us was sorted out immediately.
justkunalasks how are u?
ankita says Hi. We are fine. How r u?
justkunalasks Hi Ankita!!! Are you simple how you don't seem to look? But your performances rock when you go on the floor I have to admit! Has your life changed like as if family friendship school studies and all life personal problems or even events? Like in all to be
ankita says Life or the show has not changed me. I am still the same old Ankita.
justkunalasks hi ankita how are You?U r Best singer for our all pakista.
ankita says Hi. I am fine. How r u? Thanx a lot for saying that. It means a lot to me.
mrz_parleenasks hi guyz..wuz up..this is annie from canada..i wanted to say that u guyz rock all the best..but who do u guyz think will be the indian idol...n i wanna say I LUV U PARLEEN n i misss uu soo much:'(....
ankita says Neither of us can predict the future. All we can say is let the best singer win.
ambermughalasks Hi,Asalam-u-alaikum, ANKY BABY i just love ur voice and ur performance.aap apne aap ko akela mat samjho , hum sab aap ke saath hey and u are truely a musical sensation!
ankita says Thanx a lot for saying that!
sachintewariasks Prashant, do not hesitate. Khullera geet gau hai bhai. And you are best with Kishore Kumar's songs. So, in the finals, make sure you pick one up. I feel that You and AMIT will reach finals. All the best.
ankita says Prashant: You really think so? Thanx a lot. :) I'll definitely consider you advice.
mrz_parleenasks ankita..only your performance rocks...ur realli crap sorri to say dat but letz face the truth...parleen, smita, DEEPALI, charu and abhishek are all better singerz than YOU! seriously apologize once again!
ankita says Oh! Well, I'll try and change your mind :)
garyasks Hey Ankita and Prashant. I have always been a non TV watcher (except when cricket in on), but I do watch Idol fairly regularly. I think its a very chic show. But if you don't mind, I think both of you face an uphill task from now on. I think you both are
ankita says It is an uphill task and we are both determined to do it.
garyasks excellent performers and great fighters, but your singing is not consistently good. Buck up, we want to see you rock !!!
ankita says Yes, we will rock you!
shan312007asks hi prashant!!!your voice z very nice.keep it up. i wanna see indian idol 3. best luck
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot. You can help me by voting for me! :)
crazy.dude.junkasks prashant u rock...
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot!
deepsaaryanasks Hi Anky i m not questioning u, I just wann to say that from the day gala started I have noticed that ur co contestants r scared of u n they systematically make u lonely but dont care it is just 5to6 wicks there, dont worry we Anky fan club r with u.this
ankita says Heyyyy, I have a fan club? Cool!!
parth_71asks pl improve ur singing ankita. i am ur die hard fan
ankita says Yes, I am trying to.
mrz_parleenasks hey plz reply once's 1:30 a.m. in canada right now n im here to talk to u...who do u think will win this contest?? ankita seriously u dont deserve in the Top 6! deepali n parleen does!! u already went out but judges brought u bak for some odd rea
ankita says Hi, we can't predict who will win.
elena34asks Hi Ankita n Prashant, wat r ur future aspirations apart from singing? Where do u see urselves 5 yrs down the line? Wishing all you contestants the best of luck...
ankita says I am going to take things one step at a time. I have to complete my studies first. Then I think there will be a period of good, healthy struggle. Then, hopefully, in 5 years time, I will be a pop star! Prashant: I've never thought about that. I just want to focus on my singing. My future I leave it to God.
thegr8.tanyaasks how do u manage to look smart and perform well??????????
ankita says Good luck, I guess!
chittadsasks other progam like star voice of india/sare gama contesent sing very well but indian ideal far distance for him.good luck.
ankita says Indian Idol is the best!
tinku210asks What u feel now, when u lost Deepali? Wouldn't u thought that Ankita or Puja might go out?
ankita says Prashant: It is a game of chance. Any one of us could go out
shan312007asks hi Ankybaby!! u r so nice.ur performers is mind-bolwing.keep it up.but sorri to say ur singing z not too u must hard work. ok
ankita says I shall try and impress you with my singing next.
asks hi how r you ankita
ankita says Hi, I am fine.
mrz_parleenasks okay guyz have fun i g2g sleep...keep rockin` best wishes from us canadians.. say hi to everyone!! thx tc
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
khateasks for prashant..i have been voting u since ur first gala.. how far do u think u will go ?
ankita says Thank you. I hope I go till the very end :)
ali_hyder12asks hi ankita can u sing the maya maya from movie guru
ankita says Why not! I'll try
roni20062007asks hi! ankita i wanna request you to plzzzzzzzzzzzzz come in kolkata and rock the floor. nd haan plzzzzzzzz abki baar gala mein anu malik ko dance karvana........
ankita says If I can, I definitely will!!!!
thegr8.tanyaasks hello anki babe & hi prashant .....ankita,ur performances are really mind blowing.........but my question is how do u adjust ur studies with this programme????!!!!!
ankita says I had a good academic record. So the sisters at my school gave me permission to participate in this show. I am in my 12th right now. I hope to pass the exams well.
preet_nnetasks hi ankita how r u doing?u know u rock excilent. i like d way u sing ... love u dear....
ankita says Thanx a lot. :)
khushee1821asks hie prashant u rock in the indian careful in choosing the songs..u really are a very gud singer...dont be nervous take care ....we r there for u...all the best.
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot. :) That is very good advice. I am not as nervous now as I used to be.
shan312007asks Prashant !! ur performers z gre8.ur voice z very nice.when u sing song we r enjoying.such dil ko chhuta hai.keep it up.we all nepaliz r wishing u will be successful for indian idol 3. so u must be work hard.sing well.N say hellow Amit poul from my side.he
ankita says Thanx a lot. :)
rachana6asks hi prasant & ankitha...i like ur performances...they r really u feel nervous while singing?
ankita says Thanx a lot. :) I am nervous until I get up on stage. But once I start performing, I am very confident.
ritusapkotaasks hi prasant ? how r u ?
ankita says Prashant: Hi, I am doing good. How are you?
tinku210asks I want to talk with you Prashant.......Can u give me ur email or no. or this is my no. +919960561050.
ankita says Prashant: Hi, I am sorry I can't give you my phone number. We don't have mobiles on the show. But you can talk to me now.
dj.titanicasks Hi Ankita u r great singer & tum is baar koi SAD Song gaana
ankita says This time the theme is Indi Pop and so I am singing Kidki pe aaonga
sumitbhatia12asks Hi Ankita Yor Are My Best Singer & IWish For You That You Win Indian Idol
ankita says Thanx so much for being my fan!! :)
HiBlueSkyasks Hi Ankita, How u take the blems that u can't sign well? can't u choose any number that doesn't required performance to prove ur singing?
ankita says I think all criticism is for my good. So I take it in the right spirit. Songs are chosen for us according to our voice and style. I have sung slow songs. I have also sung a bhajan.
fun_aggasks hi ankita i saw the promo of next robaroo y are d sony ppl tryin to promote ur character negativ???in that case i guess ul b out this saturday ... dat will b disguistin..
ankita says Please don't say that!
shishir.indian9asks hello ankita i know u very well pls kanpur ki izzat rakh lena
ankita says Zarror rakhoongi!
ashokantpasks ARE YOU ALL FRIENDS
ankita says Yes, we are all friends!
fun_aggasks wat will you do after indian idol 3 ankita???
ankita says I have to complete my studies first. Then I think there will be a period of good, healthy struggle. Then, hopefully, in 5 years time, I will be a pop star!
antariksh_karasks Ankita, please take care of your 'sur' and prove everyone that you are the next indian idol. You rock it baby!
ankita says I will. Thanx!
mail2me123asks For Prashant..... Timro performance ramro chha.. tara bichko 2 wata episodema jhur nai bhako thiyo... Feri ahile dherai ramro bhako chha. Yaha kathmanduma sabai manchhe timi indian idol baneko herna chahanchhan ra hami pani tehi chahanchhu tara hamro wish
ankita says Prashant: Heyyyyy.... thanx a lot :)
asks Hi, Prashant How you doing? We all are with you. Yor just do your level best.Rest leave upto us and god. You are the Indain idol.
ankita says Prashant: Thank you sooo much for your good wishes. I am very happy and lucky to have fans like you. :)
adshah06asks Hi Ankita?-How difficult is it to handle criticism in front of everyone? How do you all face it?
ankita says I take all the criticism positively. Only if I improve can I be on top.
alishathomas88asks Why do You always stick to fast numbers? I think you need to try out different genres of songs jus to prove your critics wrong! Keep Rocking! We are with you!
ankita says Songs are chosen for us according to our voice and style. I have sung slow songs. I have also sung a bhajan.
suzana_vazasks Hi Prashant
ankita says Prashant: Hi, how r u?
alishathomas88asks Hey Anky is your nick name CHIDU!?? lolzz i heard it somewhere jus wanted to confirm it! ;)
ankita says No... my nickname is Lucky!
fantastic_nainaasks hi ankita im ur craziest fan i think u sing and perform really well but u hve to try harder for this week otherwise u hve achance of being eliminated
ankita says I will definitely try harder!
fun_aggasks hi ankita... i love ur performances.. u r such a deadly performer??? all d girls were always jealous of you..?? so is it difficult to find true friends in such reality shows???
ankita says No, we are competitors on stage, but we are really good friends off stage!
alishathomas88asks Win or Lose it doesn't matter because you have already become our idol! You dont have to feel so lonely when 10000's are with you! Visit ur fan club in orkut! Yu'll knw d power of United Fans of Ankita! [UFA]
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
dhruba_pal1asks Can see the clipping when you were complaining against Deepali, it doesn't show taht you were upset, you were smiling, were you trying to get sympathy from teh judges or teh public.
ankita says No, of course I wasn't.
fun_aggasks hi ankita whenz ur birthday??
ankita says My birthday is on April 10.
coolumang_00004asks hi ankita, pls don't c are ab8 wht other contestants tell you. u r a gud performer &&& an outstanding & versatile singer. the most beautiful thing ab8 u is dat u feel the song & sing it.
ankita says Thanx a lot :) That means a lot to me!
coolumang_00004asks hi ankita whts ur fraourite song. nd who's ur fav actor & actress. i adore you a lot. wil u b my frnddddd. hey i m also 17.pls replyyyyyy
ankita says I have way too many songs to list them out here. My favourite actor is Emran Hashmi! :)
fun_aggasks hi ankita.. one thing i dont get y are judges blamin you for deepalis vote out... its not in ur hands... and how do you cope up with such negative potrait dat they are creating right now... as a fan of urs i feel disguisted to watch all this cant u ask th
ankita says I think all criticism is for my good. So I take it in the right spirit.
dimplebhartiasks Hi Ankita how r u ? If u read my msgs then u'll remem me. U r perfect for Indian Idol3.I just watch this show just bcoz of u. I pray 4 u every dayso many times.My sis manila is simlar to u in Attitude, looks, even she is also 17yrs old &she wears specs
ankita says Really! Wow! that is great. Say hi to your sister from me. And thanx a lot for all your encouragement!
sunil_mehra0asks Helloooooooo Ankita Yor Are My Best Singer & I Wish For You That You Win Indian Idol
ankita says Thank you so much :)
jvimpexasks hi congrats for reaching til so far
ankita says Thank you so much :)
amiri_monikaasks hey anky i wana chat wt so plzzz chat im ur biggest fun
ankita says Hi... I am here... chat with me now!
sunil_mehra0asks hi prashant how r u
ankita says Prashant: Hi, I am fine. How r u?
mangpahangraiasks hi prashanta how are you there? l like your sweet voice and your good performance.
ankita says Prashant: Hi. I am doing great. Thanx a lot for your kind words. :)
jitesh_kevinasks hey nice to see you people on the comp. how r u doing
ankita says Hi... we are fine
ashwin_1111asks hi,ankita how ru.mai aap ka her performance dekha,mere yeh eccha hai ke aap he indian idol bano,best of luck for that.agar aap ko time mele to mujhe mail jarur karna.ok bye
ankita says Thank you for your good wishes. I am very lucky to have fans like you.
jitesh_kevinasks you people rock on the stage. keep it up, and yeah happy independence day well in advance. you know what you will surely watch me on the tv one day, coz m preparing to come join indian idol in 2009 or 2010.
ankita says That is great. You must dream big! Then you will make it!
hyundaisikasks Hi Prashant ur doing very well from last two episode keep it up and do ur best ok
ankita says Prashant: Yes, I am glad that everyone liked my performance. I am working really hard.
ramani_friendsasks niharica asks you are you worried that who will be the indian idol
ankita says No, we are not worried Niharica. The best singer will be the next Indian Idol.
bkumar20asks hello,ankita's plans after indian idol
ankita says I am going to take things one step at a time. I have to complete my studies first. Then I think there will be a period of good, healthy struggle. Then, hopefully, in 5 years time, I will be a pop star!
birenderbhadwalasks Ankina can u sing kajra re kajra re in a show
ankita says I can try!
binu_bh7asks Namestay Prasant, how r u doing? u r our best singer , so pls work hard choose the right song which suits ur voice like last gala.we all Bhutanese want u to be an indian idol 3. All the best, thanks.
ankita says Prashant: Hi, I am doing great. I am working really hard. Thanx to all my Bhtanese fans!
kshd_joshiasks hi prashant and ankita iam eager to know your boths birthdates and your favorite thing which u like and dislike
ankita says My birthday is on April 10. I love making friends, riding bikes and eating cakes and chocolates. I hate double-faced people. Prashant: My birthday is on January 4. I love spending time with my friend Chitanth and I hate back stabbers!
binu_bh7asks Hi Ankita, How r u? firstly why r u feeling lonely, don't feel lonely coz u r there to achieve ur goal so concerntrate on singing gud luck.
ankita says I will. Thanx :)
rose.joseph@sify.comasks Hi ankita! I really like your performances.What are your plans just in case you dont win?
ankita says I will struggle to become a pop star.
coolgal_5_9asks Hi Ankita and Prashant how r u both?u both r very gud n prashant u sing awesome.Ankita i like ur performances very much.i m fan of urs
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
rubina892asks hey prashant how r u u have to win best of luck
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot :)
kenbasarasks Hi Ankita, may I say---I love you?
ankita says I love you too!
fazul_basks Hi Ankita & prasanth how are you? Welcome to Sify. am verymuch happy to msg you. all the best
ankita says We are very happy to be here.
annenancyasks hey anky babay you are a versatile singer and pls dont feel lonely the viewers are there with you.
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
jitesh_kevinasks hello r u there. do u have a minute to talk
ankita says Yes, we are here. You can talk to us how much ever you want to.
qusroasks for Ankita wht u do really think ur good singer than deepali.
ankita says Deepali has a lovely voice, but I have more X factor.
buddy_abbyasks hi prashant how ru wht is ur fav pass time
ankita says Prashant: Hi, I am doing great. I love to hang out with friends and play football.
lelu@sify.comasks hey prashant i am grate fan of urs.i m frm bhutan
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot for being my fan and for all your support!
yolmo_somasks prasant where do u live
ankita says Prashant: I live in Darjeeling.
buddy_abbyasks hi ankita and prashant well best of luck to both of u!you both r gud singer
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
too_goodanantaasks Hi Prashant, What will you prefer to be called a Policeman or a Singer??
ankita says Prashant: I would like to be called both.
fantastic_143asks hi prasanta u have any girlfriend.
ankita says Prashant: I have many friends who are girls. :)
too_goodanantaasks Why do you think Indian Idol is the best platform for new singer??
ankita says Prashant: It is the best platform ever. There are other shows, but Indian Idol is the best. It gives unheard voices a chance to be heard!
farrie83asks hi there ankita and prashant. congrats on coming so far in idol. what do you miss the most about your life before Indian Idol happened?
ankita says Hi. Both of us miss our family and friends.
farrie83asks Hi Ankita and Prashant. What advice would you give to future Idol contestants?
ankita says Concentrate on singing. Keep up the standards of the show. And never let tension get the better of you!!!!
aa_scorpionsasks hello ankita & parshant h r u? we r from pakistan. we regularly watch ur programme. we like ankita performance and parshant singing. plz give our suggestion to mini that she should read our msg in her programme. u people must answer that questions. we can
ankita says Hey... that's great. You like something of both of us. Thanxxxxx :)
farrie83asks On behalf of everyone on the Indian Idol 3 group on Facebook I would like to congratulate you guys on coming so far on Idol. No matter who wins all of you are fantastic singers in your own right. :)
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
primroses20asks Hi Prashant, You are the best and don't worry, we will vote lots for you. But please try good numbers la? Yeh Hosslaa was the best performance of yours. We are with you.
ankita says Prashant: Yes, I will. Thanx a lot :)
primroses20asks Hi Prashant, this is Vandana from Darjeeling. We are happy that along with singing you have started to perform confidently and without feeling shy. Carry on this way and we all are with you. Timilai haami Jitaayera nai chodchau yes paali. But please try
ankita says Prashant: Yes, I plan to. Please continue to support me.
nepaliktasks hi prahant i m ur huge faan.tapai nepal aauunu huncha ?plz come we all luv u
ankita says I will for sure. Thanx a lot :)
famoussumsushasks Hi r u doing???Really nice to see u and Prashant online...and im a gud fan of urz...n i jus want to ask u do u manage to perform well as well as sing well at the same time???Im sure it requires a lot of practise rite?Plz reply b
ankita says It requires a lot of practice and I work really hard!
farrie83asks Ankita... girl you ROCK! Please please please... concentrate more on your sur. The janta loves you a lot and hence has made you come this far. We want to see Anki Baby do great things. :)
ankita says I will. thanx :)
farrie83asks So Prashant... share us a story about you being a Sepoy in the line of duty. How are you as a cop?
ankita says Prashant: I hope I am a good cop :) I had some good times. I joined the force in 2002. The I did 3 years in the Reserve Forces. I was also a commando. I have done a lot of night duty. I remember nights when I used to listen to the radio and sing. My friends used to encourage me a lot. Then I joined the police orchestra in Kolkata. The officers used to like my voice a lot!!!
farrie83asks hi guys... who do you all miss the most from the eliminated contestants?
ankita says Prashant: I miss Abhishek a LOT!
stharjeebasks Ankita wht's ur big asset to be a inidan idol??
ankita says My confidence and the fact that I am a complete package.
aksharma5asks hi ankita. i'm Ajay from South Korea. I'm a very big fan of yours. I would like to ask, why do you think everyone seems to be criticising you when you are doing so well?
ankita says I don't know Ajay. You will have to ask them that!
khalidjansariasks Hi ankita, i just want to know in indian Idol what our honourable judges are looking for SINGING ,PERFORMANCE or COMPLETE PACKAGE of it... coz till now i didnt miss any show and i really very disappointed with Anu Malik the way he comment???
ankita says They are looking for good singers. But when there are stage shows, they also want good performers!
happygoluckygirlasks hey pranshant daju!will u come to nepal(dharan)if u win the title?
ankita says Prashant: I will certainly try to come!
aryadahal_99asks Prashant Dai! We are all big fan of ur singing! Especially me. From the US
ankita says Prashant: Thanx a lot!
mayank_6116asks hi prashant u r the best u rock result ke time itna tense mat rahna main tumhe nahi jaane dungaa yaar......
ankita says Prashant: I will try not to get too tensed. It is very difficult :)
ankita.baruaasks Hi ankita!! u r just superb .. I luv ur singing style & performance
ankita says Thanx a lot :)
hardik7911asks hi ankita, i m a crazy fan of urs and love all ur performances. u rock the best and i watch the show specially for u. i hope u get to be the Indian Idol
ankita says Thanx a lot :) And now Prashant and I have to go. It was great talking to all of you. Do continue to support us. Bye!